The global trend in global markets to monitor media convergence between telecommunications and content producers validates the popular almost two decades ago, but still valid thesis overtaking content technologies in the publication of Darcy Danuchi – “Fragmented Future” .
The technological process in the business model of the media is closely related to the value of the produced content. Mark Dews discusses the role of convergence, interactivity and personalization in media creation . We recall Tim O’Reilly’s view of the leading importance of online content in the article “What is Web2.0”, as well as Henry Jenkins’ foreshadowing hypothesis that “technological convergence will lead to a change in media ownership patterns”.
“Convergence is changing the relationship between existing technologies, industries, markets, genres and audiences. Convergence as a concept refers to a process, not an endpoint. Thanks to the proliferation of channels and the portability of new computer and telecommunications technologies, we are entering an era where media will be everywhere and we will use all types of media to connect with each other. ”
Jenkins predicts the scale of change in several directions

In an edition of his book from 2006, the same author predicts market processes of media convergence, which we observe in 2018.
Through complementary reflections on the nature of this concept in the media environment – the general sense focuses on the idea of convergence as a result of content flow through multimedia platforms, the interaction between multimedia industries and the migratory behavior of audiences who have the technological ability to find the media experience they are looking for.
Convergence forms are a new culture that unfolds as a process between the top corporate actions of conglomerates and the choice and decisions of consumers where, what and when to watch through accessible media platforms.
The review of theoretical research on the topic draws the line of integrated processes of technological progress, digitalization, creation and dissemination of content in the key role of engaged and participating audiences.
Sample analysis for media convergence in February 2011 offers the Economist magazine, targeting the purchase of the Huffington Post by AOL – the issue is entitled “Content Couple”. The material comments on the deal in an original way, but also illustrates the emerging market foresight on the part of traditional media for the new digital models.
Content Tendencies

The tendency of large television channels to distribute program content through delayed viewing services increases the production and quality in the demand and supply of original content. Traditional television viewing is developing into services for video consumption and selection from a catalog on a digital platform.
The distribution of television content through communication channels and technologies covers as a set the main types of audiences according to the classification of Joseph Dominic – elite, specialized, interactive and mass, but also differentiates individual user communities and recognizes individual interests that shape the profile of a particular user.
Digital platforms allow the user to arrange their own TV program and construct their own TV day through the delayed viewing functions. The technological transformation of television consumption services is dictated by market mergers and partnerships between companies that produce and distribute a wide segment of original products.
The market logic for partnership between companies with a developed technological-innovative distribution network and media organizations, which are known for the production of audiovisual works and products, corresponds to the process of segmenting audiences, identifying and meeting the video needs of the individual consumer.
The technological transformation of television consumption services is dictated by market mergers and partnerships between companies that produce and distribute a wide segment of original content.